Suspicious Video-Game Generosity: In "Apparitionous", "Obey" and "Find", the player starts off with full health.
2, similar to how the music that played when MX chased Lucas in Mario '85 was also a remix of that song. before the audio glitches out, after which the song changes to a remix of the boss fight music from Super Mario Bros.
Song Style Shift: "Innocent" starts out with Boyfriend singing the classic "1-1" theme from Super Mario Bros.
Playing with Fire: Underworld Luigi's various poses have him generate fire in his hands.
Marathon Level: "Triple Appear" clocks in at 5 minutes and 43 seconds.
Lethal Joke Character: OeGang’s Mario puts up a pretty good fight, despite all the memes in his song.
Half the Man He Used to Be: TooLate.exe Mario's fate.
Goomba Stomp: If Boyfriend loses MX's songs, then MX will kill him by performing a particularly brutal version of this trope, jumping high up in the air and then squashing him into blood.
Feed It a Bomb: During "Apparitionous", you need to hit bomb notes to throw bombs into the Wario Apparition's mouth, otherwise Boyfriend gets Eaten Alive for a One-Hit Kill.
Dual Boss: MX and Lord X team up to defeat Boyfriend during "Triple Appear", while Mr.
Attack of the 50-Foot Whatever: Giga Weegee fits the bill, with him towering over Mario and the city they're fighting in.
Adapted Out: Lucas doesn’t appear at all in the demo.
Adaptational Badass: Boyfriend fights back against the Wario Apparition Feed It a Bomb style, and manages to survive an encounter with MX and Lord X at the same time.